Curriculum vitae
Jana Matejkova
Date of Birth: 02.02.1979
Czech republic
1997– 1998 University of Hradec Kralove,Faculty of Education, Arts Culture
Department, Cz
1998 – 2004 Faculty of Fine Arts at Technological university in Brno,Cz
- Sculpture Studio of Prof.Michal Gabriel,
- Environment studio of Prof.Vladimir Merta
2003 – 2004 Künstakademie Düsseldorf
- Sculpture Studio of Prof. Magdalena Jetelova, Germany
(DAAD German academic Exchange service- scholarship)
2004 – 2007 Academy der Bildenden Künste in München
- Sculpture Studio of Prof. Magdalena Jetelova, Germany
(DAAD German academic Exchange service- scholarship)
Educational Stays:
2003 Universitatea de Arta si Design, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (1 month)
2000 École Superieure d’Arts de Lorient, France (4 month)
Residencies, Symposiums:
2009 Gill Society Studio, Akureyri, Iceland
2006 tigART galerija, Zagreb, Croatia
2005 Residency, Aquaduct/Luzboa, Lisbon, Portugal
2004 Project – Casa Gorila, Alcobaca, Portugal
2003 II. Biennale di Grancona, Vicenza, Italy
Selected exhibitions:
2011 Wish Planet and Wish Comet, Site-specific artworks, Lumiere, Durham, UK
2011 “Metamorphosis“ Vicente, Projecto Travessa da Ermida, Lisbon, Portugal
2011 Living Fountain" Utopiaaqua" Open- air International theatre
festival, Hradec Kralove, Cz
2010 Lost in Translation? Riverside Studios, London, UK
2010 “Mind Pool“, Nuit Blanche-Light art festival, Metz, France
2010 “White nights“, Open air-International theatre festival, Hradec Kralove,
(Inspired by Residency in Iceland) Year of architecture 2010
2010 “Kiss of life“, Glasgow international festival of visual arts,
2009 “Yet unwraped“, Open Studio, Gill Society, Akureyri, Iceland
2009 Skyway Perseids 09, ”Wish comet“,Toruň, Poland
2009 Brno Art Open 09 ”Interpretation of place“,Art containers, Brno, Cz
2009 “The same but another way“ Browar Mieszcanski, Wroclaw, Poland
2009 “The Place of intersection“ Reduta-National Theatre, Brno, Cz
2008 “ It’s a Disaster“ Stichting Noordkaap, Dortrecht, Holland
2008 Princes street, Glasgow, Scotland
2008 Lowsalt Gallery, Glasgow international 2008, Scotland
2007 Chemical safari, 4.International Biennale vestiges of Industry, Vertex, Hradec Kralove,
2007 MMOGG in der Vaseline, Düsseldorf, Germany
2007 Saw mill, Finn collective, Glasgow, Scotland
2007 Britania Panopticon Music Hall, Lowsalt Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland
2006 Diploma exhibition,Akademie der Bildenden Künste in München, Germany
2006 tigART galerija, Zagreb, Croatia
2006 Luzboa - II Bienal Internacional da Luz, Lisboa, Portugal
2006 "Venceremos/Sale", Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg,
2006 "Elevator" Jahresaustellung, Muenchen, Germany
"Eine Hausfrau kommt selten alleine", Pictura, Dortrecht, Holland
2006 Sculpture and object in Czech contemporary art, Gallery of modern art, Hradec
2005 Claustro de Sor Juana, Cultural del Centro Historico, Mexico city, Mexico
2005 Projekt-Art Chapito, Cz
2005 Gallery FaVU, Brno,Cz
2004 OBJECTUALLY SPEAKING – Futura/centrum of contemporary art+events, Prague, Cz
2004 Next Wave – Generated generation, Prague, Cz
2004 TRANZIT- Internationl exhibition in MEDIO.RHEIN.ERFT, Bergheim, Germany
2004 Project – Casa Gorila, Alcobaca, Portugal
2004 Fire Projects – Galery Spolek, Brno, Cz
2004 Galerie Vojtech Löffler – Klasse Jetelova, Kosice, Slovakia
2003 LAB galerie – Klasse Jetelova, Strassbourg, France
2003 Summer steps, Hospital Kuks, Cz
2003 II. Biennale di Grancona, Vicenza, Italy
2002 Castle Opocno, Cz
2002 Galerie Doubner, Prague, Cz
2001 Alliance Francaise, Brno, Cz
2000 Galerie des Ecole des Beaux Arts, Lorient, France
2000 Galerie Doubner, Prague, Cz
2000 Galerie Aspekt, Brno, Cz
1999 - This time by the time – Bechyne, Cz
1999 Project – Brick-kiln – Brno, Prague, Cz
Permanent installation:
2010 "Fish escape" Wooden relief entrance, North Berwick, Scotland
2009 Sculpture/ geometric composition and Sculpture/Gate into another dimension, (Private
garden), Hradce Kralove , Cz
2008 "Fox garden",children playground, Nechanice, Hradec Kralove, Cz
2008 "Graffiti", Thistle street bar, Edinburgh, Scotland
2007 Children playground (private garden) Hradec Kralove, Cz
2007 Children playground, Musselburgh (private garden) Edinburgh, Scotland
2007 "Singing trees" permanent light-sound installation, Regional Authority
Hradec Kralove,Cz
2007 "Graffiti", Carters bar, Edinburgh, Scotland
2004 "Sound wall" Futura/centrum of contemporary art+events, Prague, Cz
-Scottish Art Council award 2009
-"Singing trees"
Regional Authority Hradec Kralove: Building of the year 2008,Cz
-"Singing trees" Building of the year 2008 Regional Authority Hradec Kralove,Cz
-Second prize- II. Biennale di Grancona, Vicenza, Italy,2003